Sophie’s bookcase has been made to measure. “And it is home-made!” she adds with some pride. The idea of this bookcase was born from a wish: to be able to embrace all the books on a single look. “When I was living in Paris centre, I had a puzzled bookcase, with small stacks of books in every corner of the house, and it was frustrating.” When she visited this former photographer studio in Montreuil, she instantly saw the potential of this big wall under a glass roof. This place would welcome the bookcase of her dreams. “We chose the same materials than for the rest of the loft: wood and steel.” A friend helped them with the welding work and the lower part of the bookcase, simply comes from Ikea. Sophie just gave us the recipe of an amazing bookcase. “I am so happy with his bookcase, she recognizes. I see my forest of books everyday, it is like a landscape.”
Sophie has always been a reader, a regular reader she says, a reader of novels mainly. “Reading is like eating actually. But it is also a private activity. It is something you do everyday and alone.” Amongst her favorite books she names the ones of the French author Rachilde (1860-1953). “I collect her books. She has a fascinating universe and is herself a fascinating woman. My interest for her is also the result of a friendship with a wonderful bookseller who spots for me the beautiful editions of Rachilde’s work.” Other important authors: Isaac Bashevi Singer, Joyce Carol Oates, René Char or Anna Akhmatova. “These are my personal encounters but before that there was my literary studies with the shock of the classics such as Rousseau, Musset, Flaubert, Hugo, Anouilh and many others.” Sophie believes than an author is all about an encounter: “I had the occasion to read Proust quite early but it is only a year ago that I really met him. Same with André Malraux whom I really met when I was 30, and not younger when I first read him.”
For Sophie, the bookcase is really an essential element of the house: “It is the hearth, the fireplace, the symbol of the place that I call home.” Although another “element” is reigning supreme at Sophie’s place: Luchador, the Bengal cat. “My purring masterpiece… Cat and bookcase are the perfect duo for a home sweet home” she says grabbing her beautiful cat. And that cat loves paper, books smell and walking through the shelves. “His universe is the lower part of the bookcase. He leaves me the upper part: he understood that this part is my own nest!” she concludes.
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